

Saturday 16 April 2011

Quote of the day:- 
  • 如果我们为了自己的快乐而去伤害也在追求快乐的别的生命
  • What is the purpose of life? It is to become happy. Whatever country or society people live in, they all have the same deep desire: to become happy.So we should try to be happy, then things will happen on its own.
那天,我和Pink两个人在OldTown喝茶,无意间谈起了"因果(Karma)"这个道理. 我们做了个实验(回想之前所发生的一切)证明了人世间真的是有因果报应的.我们发现太多的事情都表明了,真的会有因果的. 一个人真的是种什么因得什么果,尤其是当你很努力时, 也许不一定会有相同的回报, 但是你做坏事到头來就会有报应. 你们相信因果报应吗? 以前不相信,现在很相信. 但不是因为某件事, 而是长期以來对生活的感受及体验而來的. 我总算相信了古人的那句话:" 有因必有果,人生在世你造了什么因下世就是什么果." 所以还是老实本分点的做人好,呵呵

我婆婆信佛,很信很信,信了一辈子,心也非常善良. 我记得她和我说过一句:"人要对得起自己的良心,对家人要有孝心,对别人要有善心,才能对得起自己. 你可以只顾自己的快活, 不顾对别人带来的伤害, 同样有一天, 你也会遭受这样的伤害!"

1 piece of Chic Pie filled my empty stomach =)
my hair set by my friend. How was it? Nice?

I'm comfortable with it =) Allowing you practice with my hair unlimited times =)

Had a small gathering with family and relatives at night. It had been a while since we had our last gathering like this. And when I say gathering, I mean the 'bakar-bakar' gathering! Yes, 'bakar-bakar' refers to BBQ style gathering. I'm not sure when will we have this 'bakar-bakar' thing again, but I miss to gather like this again already! Any birthday celebration coming up that we can gather and celebrate? May, maybe? For those who are concerned : ehem ehem =P. Family gatherings are a wonderful time to experience the joy and fun of those you love. It is a time to catch up with family members and enjoy the special feeling of being surrounded by your relatives =)
my favourite - red bean soup =)

Taking pictures at family gatherings is a great way to enjoy the day, even when it's over.

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