

Sunday 17 April 2011

Quote of the day:-
  • 不必为美好的事物的不能永久,变质,变坏而悲伤啊![ 世间的一切事物都是流变不定的。]抱持这种正确的心看待世上的一切变化,那麽这些变化再也不能影响我们的心了。
  • A stranger stabs you in the front, a friend stabs you in the back, a boyfriend/girlfriend stabs you in the heart, but best friends only poke each other with straws.
Hi hi~~ How's your weekend? Enjoy? Have fun? Or just ordinary? It's good enough for relaxation and celebration. For those who are studying or working, weekdays often seem to be too long yet weekends are a way too short.
It's weekend!!! You got to do something!

And I chose the last option - hang out with friends :)
Maiki and Pink are leaving on Sunday. So today is our last day to hang out together. It was a beautiful day and we ate lunch outside.
Chilling at Old town in the afternoon. Both of them are my close friends in town ;)
 Chill again at Secret Recipe at night =) And chat again! Hahaha... Forgive us, we not gonna see each other for few months after tonight.
It was a fun outing with friends :)..especially for me who are good to go to release all my stress =P

You can't live without friends who are true to us <3
Nothing much to say, just play play play and have fun with the camera =P
Whoops... The talkative Maiki. 

Non-stopped chatting and sharing.
All of us are using iPhone except Maiki, she is using Blackberry. Our everyday life is incorporated in the phone.So every time, once we are sitting down in a Cafe, the first thing we do are start playing with our own iPhone, clicking here and there, discussing about the apps in iPhone. Maiki who is using Blackberry start complaining about us. Maiki, faster sell your Blackberry and get a new iPhone! Come and join our iPhone group =P
Stab me, punch me, kick me, scoop out my guts with a spoon—do what you must, but please don't touch my iPhone. I love my iPhone and probably say so far too often even it is just an iPhone 3. My iPhone has helped me to be more organized when i don't have my laptop around. I honestly can’t ever imagine owning a phone other than an iPhone. Apple have got me hooked and I’m quite happy to live with that. iPhone 4, I would love to be able to talk to myself into buying you, but I simply can't.
Do you think you can live without friends? (I mean friends who are real to us - close friends)
Living without friends? That is impossible to me! I mean REAL friends. We don't need a lot of friends just a few close friend is enough. I think having friends, meeting new friends is the essence of life. It doesn't matter if you have more friends or less friends but what matter is that you have a real friends. Yes, there are time I want to be life alone, I want to be quiet but I certainly don't think I can live without friends. I would need someone I trust to talk to, beside my family because It'll be weird talking to them about personal stuff. Need friends to have fun and go out with and support me.
I think that how many friends you have really is not important but rather those who are, are real friends that care. For me, I definitely can't live without my friends. Seriously, I can't imagine what my life would be like if I didn't have the friends I do. I cannot imagine how terrible the situation is. I think people need friends in everywhere, any situation. Someone can live without friends, they may never have friends and don't know the feeling, but I cannot.
Well some of my so call friends have treated me badly so it's not like I have one friend who has been there through ALL those things but if you mean losing friends as in not having any friends at all and being a loner then... I would feel lonely and sad because I have no one to relate too but I don't think I would end my life because I have no friends
Me as your real friend will be there when you need me but take me for granted and you would regret it for life. treat me like sh*t and I would just run from you and you would be left by yourself !


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