

Monday 25 April 2011

Quote of the day:-
  • Friends and peers come and go,changing with the seasons of life, but family is forever

  • Treasure every moment that you have with your family. Time is a coin you can spend only once. Use it, invest it, make it count, and treasure it more because you shared it with your family. Special enough to have your time and remember time waits for no one. 

I joyfully treasure each moment with my family now.  Maybe last time while I was still studying, most of my time was surrounded by my friends, I honestly don't really know the actual meaning of "treasure the moment with family."

Now, I understand, I know! My family knows me better than anyone else and they love me for who I am. They might disagree with me from time to time. Sometimes they are even quite voice out their disagreements. When I'm heading out to be with friends, I already know the details my parents must have. Where are you going? What will you be doing? Who will you be doing it with? When will you be home?  The "past" me will think that they are nagging me and asking me too much, I feel annoyed, I feel uncomfortable with the "nagging & question" role so much of the time. But the "present" me, I understand their situation. I know they care me so much because I'm their daughter. I should feel blessed but not annoyed. I need to show them I can be trusted. So when they ask me, I just answer their question accordingly. 

They are the source of my greatest joy. No matter where we go in life or what we end up doing, we will always have each other. We are getting older and older each year which means our parents are getting older and older as well. Thus, we must treasure every single moment with our family since life is too short and no one really knows when he or she would die. We as a human need care, I need care, so parents need their children's care as well. Don’t you just agree with me?

My dad is a workaholic. He rarely join us to go travel. Either my mum and I or my mum, sisters and I. I remembered the last time we had our family trip was 3 years ago. And now, both sisters are studying abroad. We hardly have a time to gather together. So if you ask me what I most want to do now, my answer would be travel to other country with my parents and sisters.

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