

Thursday 21 April 2011

Quote of the day:-

  • 遇到有人当面辱骂你,以拳头击打你,以石头丟你,
    • Sometimes you have to stand alone to prove that you can still stand........
      • Men often give love for sex, women often give sex for love. 
"Men often give love for sex, women often give sex for love." for me, it's not true at all. besides, how can a man really "give love" if he's really just in it for sex? that isn't love. In real love, the man gives the woman what she wants and the woman gives the man what he wants because each loves the other. Giving without calculating on the return.
Guys and girls out there, it is not that difficult to show someone you care. Show concern while you still can, while you're still allowed to do so. Regrets often arrive too late and too little can be done about it.
Hmm... there is nothing much that I can say about my life now. If you ask me for one word that best describe my life now, I would have to say "happy". I don't know why or the reason that makes me feel this way. Even I'm still single. All I know is that I start to feel the happiness, taste the happiness and and see all the happiness that surrounds my life. I have the job I love, Family that I love, my sweet home, my lovely friends. The only thing left is my other half. But at this moment, I'm not that keen to get into a relationship yet. 随缘吧。。。呵呵  Being single isn’t bad. What is bad is giving up hope on finding that someone special

There are many facts in our lives. Some of the facts are just undeniable, unquestionable. Some are just plain truth. But this one is different. It's strange. But then, what is stranger that the human mind. The human mind and brain is the strangest and most complex subject in this planet. What do you have to say about this fact?

Most of the time, we make those who care for us cry. On the other hand, we often cry for those who won't and never will care for us. Worse still..The ones we care about are those that won't and never will cry for us.

Hmm... what do you think? Sounds like what you're going through now? Well this is strange but true... believe it... or not..hahahaa...

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