

Friday 22 April 2011

Quote of the day:-

  • 越多事情你越想得到它,反而往往会远离你,正所谓凡事不要太过强求 
  • 在这个世界上,凡事不可能一帆风顺,事事如意,总会有烦恼和忧愁。当不顺心的事时常萦绕着我们的时候,我们该如何面对呢?“随缘自适,烦恼即去”。其实,随缘是一种进取,是智者的行为,愚者的借口。何为随?随不是 跟随,是顺其自然,不怨恨,不躁进,不过度,不强求;随不是随便,是把握机缘,不悲观,不刻板,不慌乱,不忘形;随是一种达观,是一种洒脱,是一份人生成熟,一份人情的练达。

  • Life can be tricky. Life can be sticky. Life can be fun. Life can be sad. But one thing is for sure, life changes like the weather, and we can either “go with the flow” or fight it.

Happy Easter everyone.
I wish you all the happiness, hope you will have a great time with your family and friends.
Easter fills us with hope, joy and warmth. It is a time to get together with friends, family and loved ones and celebrate this joyful time. May you all have a wonderful day, no matter if you're celebrating something or not.

Here is a short conversation I would like to share:-
Girl: were best friends right?
Boy: yes, of course.
Girl: So be honest with me, who do u like?
boy: no one. i love someone
girl: Ohh, she must be very lucky
Boy: Definitely. I've loved her since i met her
Girl: Really? well, since were best friends, i wanna meet her. Go call her
boy: oh okay.
Boy takes out his phone, dials her number and phones her
girl:Wait, hold on I think I'm getting a call
*answers the phone*
Girl: hello?
Boy: i love you.

Went to Dreamland Coffee House for dinner last night. Dreamland's food is good but the service was really bad! I ordered Grilled Pork Chop. It costs me RM13.00. The taste? So-so only. I found the pork chop too dry and overly sour. We asked the bill for about 4 times. And the boss was telling us that the cashier was in the toilet. The way she spoke to us was so unfriendly! WTF! Hey, you're the boss, you can replace the cashier to calculate how much is the total of the bill right. What if the cashier was in the toilet for 30 mins? that means we have to sit and wait for her to come out?! Does it make sense? One more thing I would like to complain is they love to return the cash with lot of coins with all the 10sen.2 dollar=20x10sen. Sigh! They purposely wanna do it that way because they know mostly customers won't take the coins away and give it to them as tips. But even their service is bad, lot of people still choose to go there and have their meal. Maybe is because Tawau don't have much choices. Hmmmm.....

Chill at Vision golf at night with some friends. I love this place. REALLY small place, but the music was fantastic! The place surrounded by Jazz music. A bar with nothing else to offer but great Jazz. Go here for music but not the bar. I can think of no better place to go hear great jazz music in Tawau. Here is the only place. We had a wonderful time drinking in the Jazz soft music all around us.

I'm a big time "Milk-tea Addict". No matter what anybody says about caffeine, I just can't forego it. Had a slice of Walnut cake this afternoon at home with a cup of hot milk tea =)
Life is so much better with good cake =)

So you can imagine my joy when I came across this cake. The walnuts added a crunch which gave a lovely new dimension for the cake. I love the moistness of the cake and the crunchiness of the walnuts =)

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