

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Quote of the day:-
  • 我们若得不到益友,良友之时,
  • 人因为身,心的观念,引起了有“我”,“我所拥有的”一己之私的观念。
    於是便产生了贪欲,瞋忿,自以为是,无能为力,狐疑无知的五种苦恼。要斩断这些烦恼,唯有从“无我”,”无我所有“ 着手。

    随着时空的变化 人连自己的健康,生死都不能掌握,世间没有任何东西是我可以永远拥有的,也没有一个永恒的“我”。
  • It is better to lose your pride to the one you love, than to lose the one you love because of pride
  • What is the purpose of life? It is to become happy. Whatever country or society people live in, they all have the same deep desire: to become happy. Not to compare - neither your joys nor your sufferings with others. Comparison never helps. It gives birth to stupid competition.
I'm quite happy to be back home =) I just love my home ... Home Sweet Home ;O)

Frankly speaking, Lahad Datu is a boring town. The city is quiet small. Of course is better than Kunak which I think is totally a dead town. You have absolutely nothing much to do here besides working. Bad facilities. A lot pendatang asing. It’s a ghost town with lots of rubbish. Lahad Datu has nothing, the most boring place here, ever. Seriously, I hardly see a teenager there. Mostly are uncles and aunties. I definitely can't live in such town. I will die. Lol. 

After this working trip, my conclusion is yes, I love Tawau, which Tawau is my hometown. Eventhough they said Tawau is small and nothing and slow, yet, I still very comfortable with it. Can't deny that the town is a bit dirty. We can see rubbish everywhere on the street.

four season bean at Dotvis Restaurant in LD (delicious!)

Lahad Datu's Kolo Mee (ma ma dei)
Life is in this way
When you desperately want something, the thing wont appear but 
When you don't want something to appear, it will appear no matter what.
People around us are changing always but u will never know how they gonna change & when they gonna change.

Nowadays, life is realistic and people around us are always using us. When they need you, they will find u but when they do not need you, you are TRANSPARENT!sorry lo, once is enough!

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