

Thursday 28 April 2011

Quote of the day:-

  • We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets.
  • You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself.
  • I live to succeed, not to please you or anyone else.

Hello I’m a little bored today. Daddy went out with his friends. Mommy went to Taiwan. I'm the one and only person in the house T.T I need to talk. So here’s a pointless entry LOL! This post will be the most meaningless post cause I’m neither emo nor happy nor sad nor anything.

I’m not unhappy, i’m not depressed, i’m just.
That’s the thing, I don’t know what I am right now. I’m in a limbo of feelings, neither here nor there, floating in this weird realm of nothingness. Okay fine. I might have exaggerated a little about how I’m feeling. I’m perfectly fine, and this is just an on and off feeling I’ve been experiencing.

Oh My Gosh! I cannot "tahan" looking at myself getting fatter especially the face. My face!!! Why my face and my body are not proportionate bloody hell! I would prefer a fat face with a really fat body rather than aiyooooo bloody hell don't know how to say! Which one do you prefer? Fat face or fat body?? 

I know many of my friends are stucked in a situation where they can't get the job they want. All I want to say is please don't give up. Never! Not because I'm showing off my job nor said is easier than do. I was floating around for 6 months plus before i got one. Even if it's not part of your desired career pathway but it would be a good starting point in not asking money from your parents right? Trust me. Even if you got the job you want you'll still whinge about something else. That's life!

Living in a big city is good when you have close friends hanging around. I envy big cities for only two reasons: shopping and dining =p but at this stage a bit difficult for me to live in big cities with zero savings *cries* That's why have to live in Tawau to practice self-control before i totally lost it at all LOL! Speaking of close friends i miss my friends again =( why you girls have to live so farrrrr awayyyyyy from me. Don't you know i miss all the joy and laughter that we had before!!

Let me introduce Godiva to you ladies! Your best friend FOREVER!!!! Your best friends during your bad days Hahahaha!! When you are left with nothing in this world but money Lady Godiva can be your one and only friend =) I'm a big fan of chocolates. Trust me! Try this one. It's quite pricey but worth the money ladies!

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