

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Quote of the day:-

  • 良心是每一个人最公正的审判官,你骗得了别人,却永远骗不了你自己的良心。

  • Avoid doing something just because everyone thinks you should. Give yourself permission to relax.

  • To be upset what over you don't have is to waste what you do have - spend that time focusing on what you do have and how you gonna work for it rather than you wasting time wishing for that which you don't have.

I haven't had a wink of sleep since last night. Thanks to a runny nose. Cough and flu attacking me. Especially flu!! AHHH!! Awesome start to the flu and cough season =.= Dammit! I have a terrible flu and it's killing me man :| Big trouble on breathing, can't breathe properly. I'm losing a good day and night because of this flu. It's driving me crazy that just a flu can impact me so badly. Flu ah flu, I just wanna get over you. Can you kindly get far far away from me please. *sobs*
In conclusion, would just point out that I really hate getting sick and the flu is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

Tea time with my Boss in the afternoon, discussing about my work schedule for next week. Wheee =) He said:" We have to WORK hard and PLAY hard. Being smart. You’ve got to work smart and play smart to live the lifestyle you want" o.O okay haha. I get it.

Today is my best friend, Maiki Lim Birthday =) Happy Birthday my pretty girl =) I hope all your birthday dreams and wishes come true. Went to her house for birthday dinner. And we played game after the dinner. Guess what game we were playing just now? Haha. Pink's maid singing Chinese songs and we have to listen to it and guess what is the song title. It was really funny. Seriously "laugh die us".Kindly pause the songs before watching it =)

birthday pressie for MAiki

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