

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Quote of the day:- 
  • It’s better to know and be disappointed, than to never know and always wonder.
  • If you spend too long holding on to the one who treats you like an option, you’ll miss finding someone who treats you like a priority.
  • Don’t take anything personally. Nothing other people do is because of you, it is because of themselves. 
  • I cannot control other people, but I can control if they are in my life or not.

It has been so long since I wrote on this blog that I even forgot the password to get it. I can’t believe it. But today for some reason I feel the need to put in words my thoughts, my feelings.

Life passes by and I’m still thinking what the hell should I do about a lot of things. I know you have never heard me say that word before but it is the plain truth. I’m frustrated with the chain of stuff that rolls over my life as I keep moving along in life. Or am I moving, sometimes I feel stuck.  

I guess it happens to the best of us, we go around life doing what we are supposed to for others and then even more if we love them. But do people tend to take for granted those attentions? I think we all do. I say we, because I’m sure I have done it at times but when it is done to me it is very hard to come up with a long line of excuses to justify the act. I try -I promise- to look the other way, to keep busy with other things, to understand that work, family, studies and everything else can come in the way but in time I have to accept that maybe I’m not being appreciated like I should.

Time to step aside, to give some room and to see what they do to demonstrate if I have a place in their life or not, that’s it. It’s not that I stop caring or loving, it’s just a moment to let things get back to normal. What I give is usually what I want to get back even though I realize it must come from their heart.

I guess all comes up to self-value myself and not be afraid to said it or expect it. When that moment comes I accept is not easy, but is even harder to stay there waiting hoping that they guess my needs. Not too many people can read minds so it is my duty to be clear and to the point, even though I also believe that at times silence can speak volumes both ways. It’s a matter of intuition and who I’m dealing with and for how long I’ve known them.

Let me tell you, outside of business calls I don’t call that many people, I can count them with only one hand. I like to dedicate myself and make relationships grow but I can’t do that with a lot of individuals, so I hand pick them. I can’t also do it if the other person don’t do the same with me.

I hope you understand what I’m saying here; don’t take anyone for granted and don’t let others take you for granted either.

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